Sunday, June 19, 2011

Claira and Kai at Leords (this is again an English post)

Well.. Leords is a sim which I and Max (more me) frequently visit because we simply like it. Leords is a bdsm sim, so Masters, Mistresses and boys and girls gather there... some get collared, some not, it's a very friendly sim even for new residents in Second Life, of course this sim as others has to deal with assholes but the owners deal with them fair and swift.
I especially like Leords because the people over there do not judge, they take you for what you are. You can go there looking like a movie star but you can go there looking like shitt, they do not judge anyone, that is why I love it and why I keep going back.
Also it is one of the few sims where there is still interaction between the people (more and more sims are crowded but nobody talks to one an other).
So today I was there again and saw Claira and Kai with those lovely pale skins, I asked them if I could take their picture and they said, 'sure'... and I did (hope you guys like it). But that is what I mean with an open and friendly sim. If you stay nice, they are nice... and I will keep on going there:-)))
To the owners of Leords: Keep up the good work!!!!

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